
The Rare Tree Ki Tenjo (Anisoptera costata)


Have you ever heard of the rare tree known as Ki Tenjo (Anisoptera costata)? This magnificent tree, native to Southeast Asia, is a truly unique and fascinating species. In this blog post, we will explore the characteristics, habitat, and conservation efforts surrounding this extraordinary tree.

Characteristics of Ki Tenjo

Ki Tenjo, also known as Anisoptera costata, is a large evergreen tree that can reach heights of up to 40 meters. It belongs to the Dipterocarpaceae family, which is well-known for its diversity and abundance in the Southeast Asian region. The tree has a straight trunk and a broad crown with dense foliage, providing ample shade beneath its branches.

One of the most distinctive features of Ki Tenjo is its leaves. They are large, elliptical in shape, and have a glossy dark green color. The leaves are arranged alternately along the branches, creating a beautiful canopy when viewed from below.

Another remarkable characteristic of Ki Tenjo is its flowers. The tree produces clusters of small, fragrant flowers that are usually white or pale yellow in color. These flowers attract various pollinators, including bees and butterflies, contributing to the tree’s reproductive success.

Finally, Ki Tenjo bears fruits that are woody and have a wing-like structure. These fruits, known as samaras, are dispersed by wind, allowing the tree to colonize new areas.

Habitat and Distribution

Ki Tenjo is native to the lowland rainforests of Southeast Asia, including countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. It thrives in tropical climates with high rainfall and prefers well-drained soils. The tree is often found in river valleys and along the edges of forests.

Unfortunately, due to deforestation and habitat loss, the population of Ki Tenjo has significantly declined in recent years. The conversion of forests into agricultural land and the unsustainable logging practices have posed a serious threat to the survival of this rare tree.

Conservation Efforts

Recognizing the importance of preserving this unique species, conservation organizations and government agencies have initiated various efforts to protect Ki Tenjo and its habitat. These include:

  1. Establishing protected areas: Creating national parks and reserves where Ki Tenjo and other endangered species can thrive without disturbance.
  2. Enforcing regulations: Implementing strict laws and regulations to prevent illegal logging and ensure sustainable forest management.
  3. Community involvement: Engaging local communities in conservation activities, raising awareness about the value of Ki Tenjo, and providing alternative livelihood options.
  4. Research and monitoring: Conducting scientific studies to better understand the ecology and biology of Ki Tenjo, as well as monitoring its population and distribution.


Ki Tenjo, the rare tree of Southeast Asia, is a symbol of the region’s rich biodiversity. Its majestic presence in the rainforests is a reminder of the importance of conservation and sustainable practices. By protecting Ki Tenjo and its habitat, we can ensure that future generations will have the opportunity to witness the beauty and significance of this remarkable species.

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